Monday, July 2, 2007


dis·dain [dis-deyn, di-steyn]
–verb (used with object) look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn.

3.a feeling of contempt for anything regarded as unworthy; haughty contempt; scorn.

This has been one of the saddest day of my life and surely one of the most unluckiest day I've ever had. I don't know but everything is just going wrong today. I haven't yet seen something good happen to me today but well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that somehow I would get good results later.

OT: I have watched clips on about the Concert for Diana. It is a tribute for the should be 46th birthday of the Princess of Wales and I admit that even I'm not a Brit, I really cried when Elton John sung "Your Song" at the opening of the concert. It was really a wonderful song, love song maybe, but could be well appreciated in any occasion as a tribute for someone very special-like Diana. People wanted Sir Elton John to sing his famous' Candle in the Wind but the music icon refused.

I'm really melodramatic today and I hope that someone could cheer me up.

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